are you a foreign trained nurse looking to come to canada


are you a foreign trained nurse looking to come to canada well if you need information on how to transfer your nursing license from your home country to canada this post is for you welcome to millennial immigrants and we are your millennial immigrants my name is chichi my name is jimmy and on this channel we give you the tools to hit the ground running as new immigrants in canada 10 simple and clear steps so let's get into this post i'm a foreign trained nurse looking to transfer my license to canada. 

what is the first step i need to make yeah the first step yes would be choose a province yes uh for those who've not i would say choosing a province requires you understand how much traffic goes to that province and the traffic determines the volume of application that goes to the nursing board and that it's into your processing time while you're doing that you're also looking at job opportunities that are in those provinces okay for nurses and when we talk about job opportunities we always talk about quality jobs opportunities and job security you don't just want to get a job and lose it the next week or next year yeah so you want to go where they are actually begging you to stay and work and doing everything because yeah right so that is very very important there step number two step two would be knowing the requirements for the province you've chosen remember .

you can choose more than one province at the initial stage but once one province has started your process okay you have to complete it with that province what i mean is if you apply to nova scotia new brunswick ontario saskatchewan and let's say new brunswick approves your process and starts before the other provinces you have to complete it with new bronze state remember in canada there are two entry level into nursing the lpn also known as registered practical nurses in ontario and the registered nurse for this post we're going to be talking about the process for a registered nurse yes if you want more information on how to become a licensed practical nurse the lpn just comment below i will give you more information on that to become a registered nurse in canada across the board you need to have a bachelor's degree okay what if i don't have a bachelor's degree if you don't have a bachelor's degree the option you have would be to look into the lpn process okay all right okay .


the next one will be language proficiency there are some applicants that will have exemption and that's one of the things you want to check on the provincial website the exam you do for the for the immigration would be the general training general training does not help you in this process you need to write the academic module of the ielts if you're writing in english because you're going to an english speaking province you would need to either write the ielts or the salban which is canadian english language benchmark assessment for nurses so serbian is administered only in canada okay okay but if you're going to a french-speaking province that's the quebec and new brunswick you're writing tef which is validation the first cell i know i he butchered it we don't know you okay keep talking yeah you want to know the required score for any of the exams that you're expected to write the maximum score you can get overall score would be a band score of nine for listening you are required to have a minimum of 7.5 reading you need minimum of 6.5 speaking and writing you also need a minimum of 7.0 .

so if i do not hit the minimums right but i have a very good band score you mean the overall balance yeah i have a good overall band score does that mean that my application will be rejected absolutely that's a good question so if you that's tough yeah i know but yeah trust me in this process uh lots of people write the english exam a lot of times until they get it it's challenging but it's rewarding so stay with me here okay don't be discouraged okay so you write the english exam the ielts and then say you get 7.5 or overall bands call but in listening where you're required to get 7.5 you only score seven you know and then you also meet the band score required for reading speaking and writing but just that's listening you get seven instead of 7.5 the application would not be considered you have to redo the english exam the whole point is not to be discouraged don't look at yourself as someone who is not proficient in english it's just the way they try to control the volume of application they get time okay you're already in canada .

yes the cell ban is also tested in the four aspects and there's also an overall score okay so you're listening for cell band you need a 10 okay you need reading to be eight you need speaking to be eight and you need writing to be seven point zero i guess it's pretty much the same with ielts you have to meet the minimum score for each section even in absolutely all right how long is my english test valid for in this process well language proficiency results are valid for two years so the moment you've written the exam you've passed it you want to have the ball rolling right away so you need to send in your application because time is of the essence here no waiting around no no tilly darling no dilly dallying .

i have written my english exam i have my scores everything is good what do i do next step four step four requires that you apply to nnas what is nnes and nnes is national gnosis assessment service it's it's an athlete of cgfns which for those who are familiar with the us process cgfans is the main body and nas is an affiliate to apply to nnes you need to create an online account and you need to have a credit card only visa and mastercard is accepted debit cards are not accepted okay so once you have all these things an nnas id number will be generated you use that number to keep track of the rest of the process once you've created an online account you need to submit proof of your identity any document you're submitting as a proof of identity you need to make sure that you also include the nnas id number because that's the way they will be able to file your document okay so the documents that are accepted as proof of identity would be any government issued identity card or marriage certificate uh even divorce documents like degree absolutes and also any legal name change how do they know that these documents are actually not falsified for the documents to be accepted they need to be notarized okay 

um some countries have not republic some countries don't have a notary public but every country have an official that is approved to not the rights documents so once your documents has been authorized and you submitted another document that you need to submit at this application to nnas level would be to submit your nursing form so it's a form you print during the process you just complete your own portion submit it to your institution of training okay and they would complete the rest they will enclose your transcript your curriculum remember you have to pay your institution to send this transcript so are you saying that i cannot send these documents on behalf of my institution no every document has to come straight from my institution absolutely nnes okay the fourth document that you need to be your nursing practice or employment form you just complete your own portion and submit it to human resources or your manager and they would write how many hours you've been practicing when you started working with them if you have more than one employer in the last five years you will also need to send it to all those employers your employer will mail the documents directly from so this is the facilities 

these documents have have to come directly from my employer as well all right so enclosed in that envelope should be the total number of hours i have worked on your conduct okay as a staff where you worked as a nurse okay so they need a testimonial of my conduct yes and they need to know how many hours i have worked what is the minimum number of hours i need to have words so you need 1125 hours of nursing practice in the last five years okay but if not if you've not practiced for up to five years you need a minimum of 450 hours in the last two years if you graduated but you just went on with further studies you need to show proof that you've graduated in the last three years and you've recently completed a master's degree or some uh specialty training once you've fulfilled all of that you need to submit the language proficiency result pay the testing to send your results to nnas the result cannot come directly from you even if it's the original copy you got once nna receives all of these documents they would generate an advice report what is an advisory report an advisory report is basically an evaluation of your nursing education okay and it also gives details of your the background information on the school that you attended and the dates in which you attended them it also shows proof of your line sensor registration and all the sources of all the credentials that you've submitted it also gives an idea of your employment history .

now for those people who are in countries that don't have english as their first language what do they need to do in terms of like their application if you're coming from a country that doesn't speak english or doesn't speak french which means you your training nursing training was in a language that's not one of the official languages in canada all your certificates all your documents have to be translated in english or french depending on where you're going it will be translated by nnas themselves for every page it costs about 85 dollars to translate to english or french 85 now that nnas has generated an advisory report what is the next step okay step five is communication with the nursing board okay that you indicated interest to register with you have no more communication with nnas what you do is you will send the advisory report to each nursing board you initially told nnas that you would like an advanced report to be sent to and you will also give any of those nursing board your nnas registration number to verify that the advisory report is authentic i would highly recommend that you request for your language test result to be sent to both nnas and the nursing board concurrently because the nursing board will definitely want to see a copy of that language test results when they review all the documents after they've received the processing fee of course they will determine if you need to write a competency assessment competency assessment is basically an evaluation of the applicant's nursing knowledge nursing knowledge clinical judgment and skill so ontario calls it ien cap which is internationally educated nurses competency assessment program newfoundland labrador calls it cba competency-based assessment .

i think saskatchewan saskatchewan calls it sec assessment manitoba calls it cca british columbia calls it ncaas whatever they call it it's the same competency assessment once you've been approved to do the competency assessment you would need to also complete a medical jurisprudence course it's just a test that gives you an idea of your scope of practice and role in legal legal scope of practice in each province it because your role could differ from province to province step six how do i study for this exam then the good thing about that is the nursing board would give you a list of books that you should buy or you should go to your library and borrow in preparation for the competency assessment they already provide me with the resources i require they give you to prepare for this they give you the list of books you know the assessment is only administered within canada yes so the letter that you receive is 

what you need and any supporting document you can contact the nursing board to request for additional documents submit these documents to your immigration office canadian visa office in your country and apply for a visa to come to your test so step number seven i've completed my assessments examination what am i expecting from the province at this point based on that result they will determine if you require supplementary education if they identify that you had some weaknesses maybe in mental health or maybe in psychology whatever they would require that you complete a course on that aspect you could have 95 right in the entire exam but maybe in mental health for instance you got 65 and they want you to get a little bit more than that right okay they would require that you complete a bridging program which is just on mental health so if it's more than one area that they identified those weaknesses .

they will require you to a bridging program in those areas they are not assessing if you um passed or failed they are assessing if you have deficiencies and they want to identify those trends and then the weaknesses so they can actually bridge those gaps right but if you've been out of practice for more than two years and you also did not perform very well in this competency assessment you may be required to do a re-entry program the re-entry program is quite similar to the ien bridging program it's just different branding and the duration of the re-entry program is longer than the ie bridging program okay once the nursing bot has seen that you've completed the bridging program they would authorize you to apply for a graduate nurse license which is basically a temporary or an interim license with this license depending on the province they may require that you have some hours on the preceptor or hours.

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